iOS Developer

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Job Description:

Join our dynamic team of iOS developers and help us build an exciting new application from the ground up. We’re looking for passionate individuals who thrive in an environment that encourages creativity and innovation. 

As a member of our new team, you’ll have the unique opportunity to shape the direction of our project and contribute your expertise to every aspect of its development. Your creativity and dedication will be essential as we embark on this journey together. 

In this role, you’ll have the freedom to explore new ideas and work closely with a diverse team to bring our vision to life. You’ll be responsible for refining and optimizing our test cases to meet the unique needs of our application. 

We value personal commitment and offer opportunities for professional growth, allowing you to work with cutting-edge technology and make a real impact.


Required Qualifications:

  • Strong proficiency in iOS development using Swift and SwiftUI.
  • Proven experience in delivering professional iOS projects.
  • Solid understanding of app architecture and a commitment to code quality.
  • Experience with unit/UI testing to ensure high performance. Familiarity with design principles and best practices.
  • Proficiency with version control systems for effective collaboration.
  • Knowledge of web technologies such as RESTful APIs and GraphQL.
  • Fluency in English is essential, as our team operates in an international environment.


Location: Malmö, Sweden

Workload: 100%

Language: English


About Us:

DataJob is a Software Consultancy Partner with more than 10 years of local presence in the Nordics. We are a company made of a unique cultural fit of honest, hard-working, and humble experts each in their own field. We extend our cultural touch both towards our consultants and our clients.

For our consultants, we provide continuous support throughout the whole period of applying, recruitment and relocation. We have created a supportive environment that promotes professional growth and personal well-being.

For our clients, we deliver tailored solutions, ensuring the highest quality of service and exceptional results through our dedicated team of experts.

Learn more about us: 

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